Here’s What Baristas Should Know About Filing Their Taxes

As tax season approaches, experts are weighing in on the steps coffee workers can take to finalize and submit their taxes with minimal stress.
by Brit Alexandria | March 26, 2025

Make Like A Bean And Ground (Yourself): Grounding Techniques For Baristas

Stress in a customer service job is inevitable, so it’s essential to have grounding tools to stay calm and centered through difficult situations.
by Kiara Teasley | January 13, 2023

How To Train Efficiency Effectively

Efficiency is an elusive skill, but necessary to the wellbeing of any cafe. The following six tips will help you train baristas to be as efficient as possible.
by Miranda Haney | December 23, 2022

What You Need to Know About Common Café Injuries

How cafés can protect their baristas and prevent workplace injuries.
by Regan Crisp | May 4, 2022

The Tipping Point: Are We Ready to Move Beyond the Tipping Model?

Baristas' livelihoods often rely on tips received—should they?
by Michael Butterworth | April 21, 2022

Introducing The Coffee Coalition for Racial Equity

The Coffee Coalition for Racial Equity (CCRE) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to build greater racial diversity and equity in the U.S. coffee industry.
by Fresh Cup Staff | September 30, 2020

Coffee People Zine Exclusively Features Black Creators

Coffee People Zine's 10th issue features work exclusively by Black artists in and around the coffee industry, including a hired Executive Editor, Korie Pickett (KP).
by Fresh Cup Staff | September 15, 2020

Glitter Cat Presents Digital Competition for Fall 2020

Glitter Cat, the competition training program for marginalized coffee professionals, announces DiGiTiTiON, a socially distanced digital competition in six categories.
by Fresh Cup Staff | September 9, 2020

Employees From Spyhouse Coffee Organize

About 30 employees from Twin Cities, Minnesota’s Spyhouse Coffee informed its owner, Christian Johnson, that they are starting a union.
by Fresh Cup Staff | September 2, 2020

Barista Health & Safety During COVID-19

Cafés going the extra mile for staff in an unprecedented time
by Mark Van Streefkerk | September 1, 2020