Growing the Next Generation of Coffee Farmers


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Photo by Stephanie Parker.

[C]oncerns about the future of coffee and the people who grow the crops have been escalating for years. The issue recently came into the spotlight after the C market dropped below $1 per pound in August of 2018. Worries about losing the next generation of farmers due to the comparative lack of appeal against other vocations have the coffee industry wondering how to fix coffee farming for today’s youth.

Non-profit Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung, the Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE) Platform, and the Sustainable Food Lab have all joined forces to release two new reports that delve into the reasons why the children of coffee farmers throughout Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua no longer want to stay in their parents’ vocation and what needs to change to make the work enticing again. Both reports are available to download for free through the Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung North America website.

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