[D]iversity in age, race, gender, sexual orientation, and geography mark this year’s range of candidates for the SCA’s six open Board of Directors positions.
The 2019–2020 slate of candidates presented by the SCA’s Nominating Committee includes Asli Yaman of KiMMA Coffee Roasters, Pamela Chng of Bettr Barista, Katie Booser of Bellwether Coffee, Khalid Al Mulla of Easternmen & Co., Vava Angwenyi of Vava Specialty Coffee, and Vera Espindola Rafael of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food in Mexico (SAGARPA). Each candidate was nominated by a peer in the industry, then interviewed, evaluated, and selected by the committee.
Mbula Musau of Utake Coffee Limited and Choi Seongil of Korea Coffee Roaster Alliance entered the race as petition candidates after submitting 100 signatures of eligible voters and meeting all qualifications set in the SCA Bylaws.
With the new year, as outlined in the SCA Bylaws, current Vice President Heather Perry will assume the role of President, while current 2nd Vice President Christina Meinl will become Vice President. The current board has appointed Tracy Ging as 2nd Vice President and Nils Erichsen as Treasurer.
Visit the SCA website for more information about each of the candidates. Voting will open on November 1, with electronic ballots being emailed to members. Ensure your ballot is sent to the correct address by logging in to your account and verifying your address or contacting the membership committee at membership@sca.coffee.