Touchless Menus Are Here to Stay


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Cinderella Bakery & Café in San Francisco, California.

SPONSORED: iWallet—contactless/touchless menus and mobile payments using QR codes

As restaurants and coffee shops reopen across the U.S., customers are getting out more and more each day. But while it still poses risks, they are looking for ways to dine out and stay safe. Finding contactless touchpoints is essential for business owners who want to reduce possible sources of infection, and focus on keeping their customers safe and employees healthy.

Eliminating as many sources of potential infection can be reduced with iWallet’s touchless menu. According to WebMD, menus can be the germiest item on a restaurant table. In fact, studies have found that menus can contain 100 times more bacteria than toilet seats.

Why not go touchless? Contactless menus are an easy, safe, and secure way to begin because customers can view menus from their own mobile device. Utilizing iWallet’s touchless menu offers less contact points—and more peace of mind. It also gives businesses flexibility for quick menu changes, while reducing paper waste and printing costs.

For businesses, iWallet is simple to install—no app, and no cost! Simply go to and upload a PDF of your menu or link to your website—iWallet takes care of the rest! Within minutes, you’re set up. You’ll receive an email with your unique QR code and will be mailed washable stickers, which can be secured on a table, window, or in a movable stand—no more printing costs or wasted paper from menu changes. Using iWallet is eco-friendly because it allows real-time menu updates.  

iWallet’s QR code sticker

It’s even easier for consumers. Modern smartphones are QR readers too, and the built-in camera is a safe and convenient way to view a menu. Simply point the phone’s camera on the QR code to capture the image, then click on the link that pops up to view the menu.

Keeping guests safe through touchless menu access is a smart decision for any restaurant or café owner. Touchless menus are here to stay—and just may become the new normal. 

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