Reports from Ethiopia—Part Nine
Emily McIntyre reflects on her time in Ethiopia as she settles back into life in the US.
Battle’s Tea Encyclopaedia
An all-encompassing guide of how and where tea is grown, prepared, and consumed.
Royal Cup’s Clean Water Efforts
Royal Cup donates over $28,000 through a partnership to increase availability of clean drinking water.
Coloring Outside the Lines
Adult coloring books are all the rage; now they're finding a home in cafés.
Café Outfitter: Cream and Sugar?
Help your customers step up their cream-and-sugar game with these sweet and creamy add-ins. No hard-to-pronounce ingredients here.
Reports from Ethiopia—Part Eight
The final installment of Emily McIntyre's reports from the field. This time: cupping at origin.
Pecan Hill Coffee
Roy Mediate put a spin on traditional retirement by opening a coffee roastery.
Grounds for the Community
Partnering with local recycling groups helps the environment, but can give business a boost too.
Reports from Ethiopia—Part Seven
Semalo Pride Mill sits deep within the countryside of Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe region.