Five Minutes With: Umeko Motoyoshi
Fresh Cup reached out to Umeko to chat about the upcoming release of their new book, The @wastingcoffeeguide to Not Wasting Coffee.
Sparrows Coffee Swoops Up Major Talent
Lori Slager Wenzel has one more stellar addition to her business—an all-star lineup of coffee experts.
Call for Entries: 2019 Golden Bean North America
The team at Golden Bean North America is excited to announce the official opening for entries and conference attendees. This year, the event is moving east from Portland, Oregon, to Nashville, Tennessee.
Felix Roasting Co. Cellar Now Open
While walking through the front door of Felix Roasting Co. might feel like stepping through the looking glass into a café wonderland, strolling down the stairs into the Felix Cellar is akin to stumbling…
World of Coffee Berlin 2019 Recap
Freelancer Stephanie Parker attended World of Coffee Berlin on behalf of Fresh Cup and shared her experiences from the monumental event.
Crisis Forces Colombia’s Coffee Farmers Fight for Living Wage
The lands that produce Colombia’s treasured coffee beans are disappearing as market prices reach a nadir.
Accessible Employment Café Opening in Connecticut
The Nest Coffee House offers young adults with disabilities a safe and supportive atmosphere, while also teaching them the skills to be able to fly on their own.
United Kingdom Bans Plastic Straws
As of April 2020, plastic straws, stirrers, and cotton buds (Q-tips) will officially be banned in the United Kingdom.
California Coffee Cancer Warning Up in Smoke
Following a year-long battle, the dispute over whether coffee is considered a carcinogen according to California law has officially been decided: coffee sellers in the state no longer have to post cancer warnings.
A Victory Lap at Coffee Fest Indy
For the first time ever, Coffee Fest was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, the perfect destination for a crowd of caffeine-fueled, quick-talking pros.