Packing Up: A Practical Guide to Brewing On-The-Go

How today’s outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy a high-quality cup of coffee while hiking or camping.
by Caitlin Carter | June 10, 2022

Managing Multiple Water Sources: Why The Water You Use To Brew Matters

Creating consistency across regional water differences.
by Michael Butterworth | June 1, 2022

A Different Kind of Blend: On Crafting A Signature Tea Experience

It’s easier than ever to create a DIY tea experience that distinguishes your café and provides a unique menu offering for customers.
by Jennifer Sala | May 31, 2022

The Art of the Perfect Affogato

With summer around the corner, affogatos are the perfect seasonal addition to your menu and a fun way to explore creative pairings of coffee and ice cream.
by Amber Gibson | May 24, 2022

A Culture of Drinks: How Fermented Beverages Are Changing Café Menus

The growth (bacterial or otherwise) of fermented drinks is inescapable. Here's how to the right ones for your café menu.
by Regan Crisp | May 23, 2022

Reflecting on the Evolution of Chai in Coffeeshops

Chai-based drinks are found on many cafe menus. But how did they get there and how have they changed over time? We talk with Dawn Lewis and track the evolution of chai in coffee…
by Chital Mehta | May 17, 2022

The Whole Leaf: How Matcha Has Become a Coffeeshop Staple

Matcha's umami flavor profile and versatility have made it a coffeeshop staple — here's everything you need to know.
by Regan Crisp | May 11, 2022

Move Smart: Four Ways To Improve Barista Ergonomics

Defining and preventing threats to barista wellness.
by Regan Crisp | May 6, 2022

Does Freshness Matter? — What We Talk About When We Talk About Freshness in Coffee

We're taught that a coffee's flavor is directly related to its age. Let's re-examine the idea of freshness in coffee and our responsibility to old or aged-out coffees.
by Brit Alexandria | April 18, 2022

Turkish Coffee Revisited

Although dozens of nationalities claim a coffee culture centered around a cezve or ibrik, the concentrated, unfiltered brew is perhaps best known as Turkish coffee, and a growing number of specialty coffee professionals are…
by Michael Butterworth | December 7, 2020