How To Develop A Café Menu

Building your menu with with your customers and staff in mind sets the foundation for a successful café.
by Ellie Bradley | January 26, 2023

Working Wonders: The Power of Cross-Brand Collaborations

Don't sit alone at your café or roastery—how partnerships and collaborations can strengthen your brand and bring new customers in.
by Vasileia Fanarioti | January 25, 2023

Make Like A Bean And Ground (Yourself): Grounding Techniques For Baristas

Stress in a customer service job is inevitable, so it’s essential to have grounding tools to stay calm and centered through difficult situations.
by Kiara Teasley | January 13, 2023

Heavy Rotation: On Picking Music For The Café

For many café owners, music tracks are that continuous backbeat under a busy coffee business, a statement of the space, and an exclamation of the people working there. More than just a mood setter,…
by Peter Agostinelli | January 10, 2023

The Joys and Burdens of Old Roasters

What to know before retrofitting a roaster.
by Emily McIntyre | January 5, 2023

Is It Time to Raise Your Prices?

Coffee shops face a challenge: should they absorb the rising cost of goods or pass along costs to the customer? Here’s how business owners decide when to increase menu prices.
by Haley Greene | January 4, 2023

Is Your Café Kid Friendly?

Menus, play areas, booster chairs, and a welcoming attitude show your kid-friendly colors.
by Ellie Bradley and Chris Lucia | January 3, 2023

How To Train Efficiency Effectively

Efficiency is an elusive skill, but necessary to the wellbeing of any cafe. The following six tips will help you train baristas to be as efficient as possible.
by Miranda Haney | December 23, 2022

Fire It Up: Enhancing the Art of Roasting With Technology

Roasting coffee is an art, but technology can bring more precision to making the perfect cup of coffee.
by Carrie Pallardy | December 20, 2022

Tone-Setting Tunes

The power of music in the café.
by Carimé Lane | December 15, 2022