Startup Wants to Replace Palm Oil with Coffee Grounds

Revive Eco was founded by two Scottish baristas who were upset by the mountains of coffee grounds they witnessed being tossed into landfills.
by Fresh Cup Staff | May 1, 2019

Electrolux Acquires UNIC

The global appliance manufacturer Electrolux cements its path into the commercial coffee sector by acquiring espresso machine company UNIC.
by Fresh Cup Staff | May 1, 2019

Conversations from the Specialty Coffee Expo: Dee “Walt Deezy” Traylor

Owner, Barista, Roaster, Green Buyer, & Renaissance Man for Rosalind Coffee
by Jordan Johnson | April 26, 2019

Conversations from the Specialty Coffee Expo – Kimberly Noon

VP of Marketing for Bellwether
by Jordan Johnson | April 26, 2019

Conversations from the Specialty Coffee Expo: Katia Zelaya

Specialty Coffee Producer and Exporter for Ricardo Zelaya Coffee
by Jordan Johnson | April 25, 2019

Conversations from the Specialty Coffee Expo: Charles Tysor

Roaster & Technician for Carolina Coffee
by Jordan Johnson | April 25, 2019

Conversations from the Specialty Coffee Expo: Rachel Apple

Quality Control for George Howell Coffee
by Jordan Johnson | April 25, 2019

Conversations from the Expo Floor

Fresh Cup speaks with five movers-and-shakers who work throughout the coffee value chain.
by Jordan Johnson | April 25, 2019

Despistados: A Café with a Strong Sense of Place

Despistados is a café located in La Palma, El Salvador, a small artsy town just a few minutes’ drive from the Honduran border.
by Stephanie Parker | April 24, 2019

Obsessed with Specialty Coffee and Gummy Candy? These Were Made Just for You.

Two ultra-chic California brands have joined forces to bring the world something we never realized we were missing—coffee-infused gummy bears.
by Fresh Cup Staff | April 24, 2019