The Top 10 Most-Read Fresh Cup Articles of 2023


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A list of the must-read articles from Fresh Cup from 2023, according to our readers. 

I had high aspirations when we relaunched Fresh Cup in April of 2022, but sometimes, I read the articles that our authors write, and they exceed expectations. Just a few weeks ago, I read a piece we published, and I messaged the Fresh Cup team on Slack, saying, “This could have been published in The Atlantic.” 

I think my awe speaks more to just how scrappy our team is: we don’t have a ton of resources, and we all work hard to deliver what we think is the best coffee content on the internet. This year, we set ambitious goals and published some of the best, most critical stories about coffee there is. 

And many of you folks (we hope!) agreed! Our viewership went way up this year, and we’re thrilled to share our ten most-read articles of 2023, measured by how many minutes readers spent with each piece. 

Is there a story on this list you loved? Or is there a story missing you thought, “everyone has to read this!” Tell us on our social media channels: You can find us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and do let us know what you love and want to see more of in 2024! 

Thank you so much for reading our stories, and we can’t wait to share with you what we have in store for the new year! 

Experts Share Emerging Coffee Industry Trends of 2023 by Garrett Oden

This was easily the most popular story of the year: industry experts unveiled new trends and ideas for 2023, from significant innovations at the producer level to how automation will save home brewing to anticipating the effects of new regulations on the coffee supply stream. 

Survey Results: The 2023 Coffee Business Owner Salary Report by Garrett Oden

A passion project of mine: there’s never been a comprehensive survey measuring how much business owners make, and we uncovered so many revelatory and vital insights. Don’t sleep on this one.  

Succeeding on the Shelf: What Coffee Roasters Need to Know Before Selling in Grocery Stores by Anne Mercer

More roasters are looking at the grocery channel for their next stage of growth, so we ask, “How can you stand out?” 

Three Cafe Owners Share Their Top Metrics for Growth by Haley Greene

If this list has revealed anything to us, it’s that you love numbers and data—so do we. In this article, Haley Greene uncovers the KPIs you need to track to measure success. 

What’s Up With Cold Foam? by Valorie Clark

Last year, we reported on the overwhelming influence of cold coffee drinks—we think this trend is here to stay, and the increasing popularity of cold foam confirms our suspicions. 

A Look at the Future of Fine Robusta Through Vietnamese Specialty Coffee by Mikey Rinaldo

“What’s taking place in the Vietnamese specialty scene, however, is removed from perceptions of commodity Robusta. Besides improving farming and processing practices, farmers and researchers are also experimenting with new cultivars that make a case for reconsidering Robusta.”

What You Need to Know About Barista Certification Programs by Valorie Clark

This article was an idea we put on our “potential articles” list, which usually comes from listening to our readers and analyzing the topics that people are interested in learning more about. We delve deep into barista education and how a variety of educational opportunities can support your future goals. 

Through Turmoil, Zambia’s Kawambwa Tea Lives On by Fiske Nyirongo

This story is about a tea company, but it’s also a story of identity, history, and reclaiming your traditions after upheaval. 

How Modest Coffee Lost $250K On A Distributor Order, Then Made It All Back Again by Garrett Oden

The only way to describe this story is wild. “In 2021, Modest Coffee received what seemed like a dream order for a wholesale roasting business … what started as a lucrative order from a major national retailer cascaded into a pile of debt—to the tune of nearly $250,000.”

The Enduring Significance of Bookstore Cafés by Rachel Sandstrom Morrison

Sometimes, story ideas come through observation. We noticed that more and more bookstores were opening cafes, and these spaces were important nexus points for marginalized groups, spaces we need more than ever. It is a beautiful story we were honored to publish. 

It’s been thrilling to see Fresh Cup grow and thrive over the last year. Thank you to everyone who’s been along for the ride.

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Garrett Oden

Garrett Oden is the owner of Fresh Cup, a coffee industry publication for professionals, and Alimentous Studio, a content and copywriting agency for coffee, F&B, and food tech businesses.

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