5 Minutes With: Frankie Volkema, Joven Coffee
Francesca “Frankie” Volkema, the world’s youngest Q grader, has created her own coffee line, Joven Coffee.
illy Launches #OneMakesTheDifference Project
International coffee brand illy is aiming to be carbon neutral by 2033, as a part of its new plan, the #OneMakesTheDifference Project.
How We Weather the Storm
Whether we find ourselves one of the lucky few or part of the aching masses, the coronavirus has affected all our daily lives, potentially forever.
Do You Know? Michelle Bhattacharyya, On-Up LLC
Bhattacharyya discusses a living wage in the specialty coffee industry, advice for café owners, and the long-term benefits of a standard living wage across sectors.
That’s a Wrap on Re:co Symposium 2020
The coffee community united behind their screens to participate in the first-ever virtual Re:co Symposium for two days of talks, sensory evaluations, and more.
Record-breaking Auction for Nicaraguan Coffee Farmers
This year’s Nicaragua Cup of Excellence broke records, with the auction coming to a close with the average price per pound being over $12 USD.
Coffee for Peace in Colombia Launches “Virtual Buyers Caravan”
Coffee for Peace created an innovative way to connect buyers with Colombia coffee-growing organizations with its new Virtual Buyers Caravan.
The Winners of Costa Rica’s Cup of Excellence
The results of Costa Rica’s Cup of Excellence includes eight winners from a Kenya variety and 10 winners of gesha variety.
5 Minutes With: Peter Giuliano, Chief Research Officer, SCA
Peter Giuliano is the Chief Research Officer of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and Executive Director of the Coffee Science Foundation (CSF).
<em>Fresh Cup </em>Magazine’s COVID-19 Survey Results
In May, we released a survey asking readers to share their experiences throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the results.